Why? And How to Live in Sync With Your Cycle including Healy device frequencies to support you so that you can Reach Your Fullest Potential!

Why? And How to Live in Sync With Your Cycle including Healy device frequencies to support you so that you can Reach Your Fullest Potential! 1
Why? And How to Live in Sync With Your Cycle including Healy device frequencies to support you so that you can Reach Your Fullest Potential! 5

Living Lunar Cycles and using Healy device frequencies for 
optimal support.


Before the dawn of industrialized agriculture, our ancestors were farming by the phases
of the moon. We understood that the moon governs moisture, so we worked with it and reaped the rewards of harvests that trusted
in and maximized the potential
offered in this cycle.
Our bodies, being 60% water, also maintain a rhythmic cycle governed by the moon. 

Regardless of gender, with careful observation, anyone can tap into this relationship and feel the effects of the waxing and waning lunar cycle. However, women especially have a deep and profound cycle within us that is either supported by alignment with the lunar cycles or, if unharnessed or disregarded, causes havoc within our hormonal systems or life at large. 

Many of us are not aware that, before the bombardment of artificial lighting, women all bled together at the time of the dark moon. We were relieved of our chores and positioned to sit and just BE with our sisters in a sacred time of rest. At this time, the children and those women who were no longer bleeding would bring us food and attend to our needs. Our bodies were attune to lunar cycles, and so aligned with our natural rhythm of New Moon bleeding, Full Moon ovulation, and all the beautiful nuances that fall in between. Because of this deep listening, we understood that certain activities were best performed when our energy was high (Full Moon/Ovulation), and others were saved for the time when our energies were more attuned for listening than acting
(New Moon/Menstruation).

In our modern world, awareness of the moon has been deemed unnecessary. We are busy and many of us hardly pay attention or even notice that this disconnection causes us any suffering. Maybe it doesn’t. However, what if… What if we were to feel more connected to the cycles of the moon? What if this connection brought us more in sync with our bodies and our own natural rhythms? What if this alignment brought us closer to our higher selves, to our truth, and to our personal power? It’s certainly worth exploring. I have also included tips and programs to use with the Healy Frequency Device to further assist you in aligning with your lunar cycles.  

When initiating a practice of aligning with lunar cycles, it is important to note that, for many of us, our menstrual cycles do not align with the lunar cycle. This is nothing to feel ashamed of or to judge yourself for. Cycles wax and wane, just like the moon. The more attention we pay to the moon and its effects on our bodies, the more our menstrual cycles may shift… or not. The more we gather and connect with other women, the more our cycles may align with each other… or not. The wisdom is in awareness and observation, less in judgment. If your cycle is not in sync with the moon, you may choose to align with the phase of your personal cycle, or engage with the cycle of the moon as it moves through the phases. Either choice will encourage alignment and offer you deeper access to your innate wisdom. Implementing the right Healy device frequency will give you optimal support throughout your cycle. It can help you to get more in tune with your moon cycle and reconnect with your inner wisdom. The delivery of microcurrent has been proven to increase the flow of life energy connecting mind, body and soul. An information flow on the quantum level to support you through your moon circle.

New Moon/Menstruation

This is a time of deep rest and listening. It is a time of stillness, of Winter. During this Moontime, you may have access to a well of wisdom that connects you beyond your physical body, yet despite this access to your brilliance, it is not a time of action. It is a time of patience and waiting. The moon is dark, quiet, and inward. While we bleed, we are shedding what no longer serves us. If we can do this in a conscious and intentional way, this can be an especially potent experience. We are emptying, offering our blood as compost, releasing old truths so that we may be open to new lessons. With the dark moon as an empty canvas, we can sit with the unknown and marvel at the potential of the Universe, and of ourselves. This is a time of death, of honoring what was, and releasing it.

Why? And How to Live in Sync With Your Cycle including Healy device frequencies to support you so that you can Reach Your Fullest Potential! 6

Rituals for release 

First, put your hands on your womb and take some breaths here. Soften and acknowledge what your physical body is doing. Sometimes there is pain associated with this letting go. Try to acknowledge that without judging your body. It is releasing. Now, join it with ink or colors on paper. Empty your frustrations. It doesn’t need to be logical, pretty or even make sense. Just release what doesn’t feel good inside of you, and get it out. Who do you want to be? Who are you showing up as? You are a multidimensional being with infinite potential. Shed what no longer serves you to make room to create and step into what does! Don’t ‘expect’ anything, just go with whatever comes up. After you have painted, scribbled, written, or imprinted in any way you wish, light a fire and burn it. What feelings does this invoke? Do you want to cry, scream, or dance? Whatever it is, do it. You are the Queen of this experience. And by the dark of the moon, no one can see you.  

Recommended Healy Support Programs
Everything is energy and frequency!

Implementing Healy and using the right Healy frequencies so that you are optimally supported during each of the stages of your luna cycle. 


Why? And How to Live in Sync With Your Cycle including Healy device frequencies to support you so that you can Reach Your Fullest Potential! 7


  • Menstruation locale: local relaxation of the lower abdomen, cramp relief.
  • Kidney all female: energetic support for kidneys, adrenal glands, bladder, urinary tract, ovaries, genitals and connected female concerns.
  • Pure calm: aligns your frequencies with those of inner peace. Offers emotional and spiritual balance. 
  • Care: sets the stage to support the immune system in a time of low energy. Assists the bioenergetic field to strengthen and support the immune process. Offers caring frequencies in and around the body to strengthen cellular communication.
  • Release: designed to locate pain at its core origin to fully release. 

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First Quarter/Spring

After a week of rest, tapping into your wisdom, and discerning which of your brilliant ideas are worth the energy and which are best bookmarked or discarded, you should now be equipped with the energy to make things happen! The seeds of intentions set during the darkness can now be sown. This is a time of optimism and bravado, of risk taking with confidence. You are without worry and are magnetic. As the light builds and returns to the moon, your own light will shine brighter and brighter. 

Rituals for Maidenhood

Can you remember a time in your youth when you were bold and brave, when you had nothing to lose? If so, take a moment to reflect on a memory you are proud of. Conjure images of yourself as an innocent, courageous young woman and consider the ways your ignorance may have served you. Maybe life has since jaded you, and you have lost your bravado. Maybe now you have too much to lose to act in a way that you now may consider reckless. Return to the memories of a time when risks were exciting, and one particular risk rewarded you. Sit with this memory and allow it to bring you joy. Revel in how wonderful it was to be without fear. Take 5-10 minutes to sit with your thoughts, and then begin to journal. Ponder what you can learn from the maiden of the past. She is still inside of you, all that bravery is still yours. Now you are wiser and can act with discernment. However discernment does not need to be fear. How can you invite more bravery, offer more energy to manifest your will? 

Healy Support Programs


  • Being: supportive set of frequencies to help balance mental wellbeing. This program creates sound and a supportive structure for a higher state of mental processing. Could be thought of as the immune system of the mind, aligning our soul to the higher vibrational field of energy.
  • Energy: Support for high performance.


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Why? And How to Live in Sync With Your Cycle including Healy device frequencies to support you so that you can Reach Your Fullest Potential! 8


  • Activation: bioenergetic stimulation of mental clarity to perform at the top of your game.
  • Positive thoughts: these frequencies support the stimulation of an energetic orientation towards positive thoughts.


Full Moon/Ovulation

As the Full Moon embodies her fullness and shines her light on the world, this is also your time to fully embrace and own the space that you occupy. This is your space to create, to manifest, to call forward your desires with full confidence. This is the time of the Mother, where you may find yourself to be full of nurturing and love. Allow your cup to overflow, accept that your offerings are a blessing to the world around you. As an ovulating woman, you are ripe physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Feel into your desires and call them forth. 

Why? And How to Live in Sync With Your Cycle including Healy device frequencies to support you so that you can Reach Your Fullest Potential! 9
Why? And How to Live in Sync With Your Cycle including Healy device frequencies to support you so that you can Reach Your Fullest Potential! 10
Why? And How to Live in Sync With Your Cycle including Healy device frequencies to support you so that you can Reach Your Fullest Potential! 11

Full Moon Ritual

Make yourself a cup of nourishing herbal tea, and bring it with you outside into the moonlight. Allow the light of the moon to illuminate you. If it’s available to you, put your bare feet on the earth. The Full Moon is a time when the ocean tides are at their most extreme. Place your hands on your womb and feel into your inner tides. Ask your body, and begin to attune to the effects of the moon on your own womb waters. If you don’t know, or can’t feel anything this time, remind yourself that this is a practice. With time, your body will speak to you clearer. Give yourself all the grace in the world. Place the cup of tea in the moonlight with a lid. With your attention still on your womb space, begin to speak your wishes aloud. Give your womb a voice. Offer your prayers, your intentions, to the water and the moon. Leave the tea outside in the moonlight overnight. Reserve a quiet space in the morning to drink the tea while reflecting on your intentions. Offer gratitude for the moonlight and it’s blessings on your prayers as if it has already been answered.  

Healy Support Programs

  • Inner Unity: energetic reorganization of our understanding of wholeness. Unifying and balancing the inner world from a more expansive perspective. Finding wholeness from within, thus allowing for more unified psychic awareness. In this state, we are not looking for security in the outer world but more from within.
Why? And How to Live in Sync With Your Cycle including Healy device frequencies to support you so that you can Reach Your Fullest Potential! 12
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  •  Wellbeing soul: energetic balancing of compulsive or obsessive behaviors. Moving the awareness away from obsession, aligning our energy towards harmony and fulfillment at a soul level.
  • Energy: Support for high performance.

Last Quarter/Fall

This is a time when plants begin to move their energy from their leaves inward. They sense a chill in the air, and begin to pull back, reserve resources, and protect themselves from the impending cold. It is this way in the 3rd week of our cycle as well. This is a time when we may be becoming tired from all of our efforts put forth the last 2 weeks. Now, we are beginning to see what didn’t work, what doesn’t serve us, and to desire reckoning. This is a time of heightened perception, of observation, and keen insight. This is not always a comfortable time of the month, however this is an important time to listen and to honor our discomfort.

Why? And How to Live in Sync With Your Cycle including Healy device frequencies to support you so that you can Reach Your Fullest Potential! 13

Our bodies, physical and mental, are speaking to us with a clarity that deserves listening. This is a time to protect yourself, to journal, to speak your truth, to have uncomfortable conversations, and to be kind to yourself. The work you do in this phase will set you up for a powerful, easeful or painful menstruation. 

Healy Support Programs

  • Care: sets the stage to support the immune system. Assists the bioenergetic field to strengthen and support the immune process. Offers caring frequencies in and around the body to strengthen cellular communication.
  • Balance: The fine balance of our various body functions is very important for our physical and mental well being. These frequencies are ideal for the deep balancing of the body’s energy field. What we think and focus upon, we can create. Beautiful balance here can help to strengthen the body and mind connection.
  • Relaxe: Relax provides frequencies to aid in an anti-stress effect. Relaxe offers surrender and the letting go of energies that keep us in the loop of constant stress. 
  • Hormones: bioenergetic balancing for the regulation of hormones.
Why? And How to Live in Sync With Your Cycle including Healy device frequencies to support you so that you can Reach Your Fullest Potential! 14
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